5 of the world's most amazing factories and warehouses

From sheer size and groundbreaking use of robotics to supreme efficiency and care for the environment, there are a number of factories and warehouses that are doing remarkable things around the world. 3Cube Property Solutions introduces some examples of factories that stand out from the crowd.

Making sheer size count at Boeing Everett

Topping the list in terms of sheer size, the Boeing Everett factory in Washington is said to be the world's biggest manufacturing facility. Covering 4.3 million square feet, the factory is big enough to accommodate 80 football pitches. Another metric used to describe the sheer size of the Boeing facility is that it's big enough to cover the whole of Disneyland - and it would still have about 12 acres of space left over. It is said that more than 35 000 people work at this facility around the clock and that it is not just the biggest factory, but the biggest building in the world.

Putting technology and robotics to work at Ocado

The British online supermarket, Ocado, owns a warehouse that's widely respected for being one of the most technologically advanced in the world. According to The Verge, if you take a bird's eye view of "the grid", as the warehouse has come to be known, you're looking at something that resembles a huge chess board, upon which all the pieces are robots. Ocado is now selling its tech to other grocery chains, and the system will ultimately be able to process around 65 000 orders every week. According to Paul Clarke, former chief technology officer for Ocado, the company's goal is to "self-disrupt" and constantly upgrade its technology to stay ahead of competitors.

Humans and robots side by side at Amazon

Amazon is said to be providing a look at the future by having humans and robots working side by side to get packages out timeously. Robotic automation now takes responsibility for certain tasks, such as carrying inventory and moving pallets around buildings. By having humans take care of aspects of that job that require reasoning and logic, while robots take care of the heavy lifting, Amazon has created warehouses that make fast turnaround times and order fulfilment possible.

Taking efficiency to the next level at Tesla

According to Manufacturing Tomorrow, the Tesla factory in California is one of the most advanced automotive factories in the world. Painted entirely white, the facility is reminiscent of a science lab and the car's giant battery packs, weighing about 590kg, are ably handled by robots. Over and above car assembly taking place here, many of the car's components are also made in the factory. Due to the need for pinpoint accuracy, Tesla ensures that as much of each car as possible is built by robots.

Putting the environment first at The Plus

If you've ever wondered what goes into making manufacturing eco-friendly, The Plus can answer your questions. This furniture factory is situated in a Norwegian forest and was built from the ground up with sustainability in mind. The facility runs on local hydropower, which means its energy consumption is about 60% lower than that of other conventional factories. The 900 solar panels generate 250 000 kilowatt-hours of renewable energy every year. The Plus is a harbinger of hope, showcasing that manufacturing can be sustainable.

The ability of any enterprise to become remarkable relies on having the right premises. If your business needs factory or warehouse space in Gauteng, speak to one of the experienced property practitioners from 3Cube Property Solutions today.

29 Mar 2023
Author 3Cube Property Solutions
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