Driving the logistics industry into the future

Connected. Data-driven. On-demand. Automated. These are some of the buzzwords being used to describe the transport and logistics industry as it embraces the advantages brought about by the fourth industrial revolution, which is characterised by sharp increases in the use of new digital technologies. Experts in the logistics industry are predicting that the significant changes that are starting to prevail will empower business to decrease costs and increase efficiency levels. In a nutshell, the world of logistics as we know it has begun a massive transformation.

Every year, approximately 750 million tons of cargo are transported to and from various locations on South Africa's roads. This includes the movement of freight from Durban and Richards Bay's harbours to inland destinations to Johannesburg and Pretoria, as well as raw materials and finished projects moving into neighbouring countries such as Mozambique, Lesotho and Zimbabwe. In short, freight is big business in South Africa and companies are constantly on the lookout for ways to carry out their operations more efficiently and sustainably. Forward-thinking is an integral element of effective management and the digital revolution continues to "drive" greater profit margins in the transportation industry.

Thanks to advancements in digital technology, the process of outsourcing services have become easier than ever before for logistics companies. Organisations can implement cohesive solutions, sometimes involving a number of service providers, which enable their needs to be met most efficiently and cost-effectively possible. The days of supply chains being static processes are over, and they have given way to interconnected networks of companies that work together in new and dynamic ways.

Another transformation that has taken place in the world of logistics is the move towards "elastic" logistics. This describes a way of working in which customers can increase or decrease their inventories as and when required, thanks to advancements in digital technology. This transformation gives companies the flexibility they need to manage their costs and work more efficiently. 

Yet another aspect of digital technology which is transforming the world of logistics is the ability to collect, store, analyse and use data in ways that were not possible before. As the adage goes, knowledge is power, and thanks to all the data pertaining to fleet management, tracking and inventory control being available at a manager's fingertips, decision-making becomes simple. This data helps to analyse supply and demand patterns and ultimately to streamline processes and avoid unnecessary expenditure.

Owing to new technology and artificial intelligence, the conditions of roads can be monitored employing satellite imagery. Over and above this, real-time monitoring of vehicles becomes a reality. An operator can know at a glance precisely what is being loaded onto a ship or into a vehicle. Every asset can be microchipped and tracked right from collection to delivery.

As we move into 2020 and beyond, the role of connected devices will change the way logistics and transportation companies carry out their work.  As the "internet of things" - which involves computing devices being embedded in everyday devices such as vehicles - becomes more prevalent, the logistics industry will continue to evolve and offer unprecedented levels of efficiency. Being connected to the internet means vehicles now can transmit data back to head office - or to a manager's smartphone - immediately and seamlessly.

Over and above the need to make the most of everything that digital technology has to offer to streamline logistics, companies in the transportation industry require offices - and often warehouses - to call home. 3CUBE Property Solutions has your commercial and industrial property needs covered, and you can find a wide range of properties available to buy or rent. Speak to us today to find out more.

06 Nov 2019
Author 3CUBE Property Solutions
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