Electrical compliance certificates: everything you need to know

An electrical compliance certificate is far more than a piece of paper: it is both a legal requirement for your business and a clear signal of your commitment to safety. It is also a document without which your property cannot be sold. 3Cube Property Solutions approached Luke Spolander, Director at LMS Electrical, to get the lowdown on everything you need to know about electrical certificates of compliance (COCs).

The first point that Spolander makes is that all commercial and industrial properties are required by law to have a valid certificate of electrical compliance. "This is stated by South African legislation and your certificate of compliance should cover basic installations as well as any solar systems or generators that are on your premises," he explains.

A certificate of compliance is a must if you're selling your commercial or industrial property and Spolander points out that it's always advisable to have your COC ready before the property goes on the market. "In some cases, if it's done too late and there are repairs required, it could delay the transfer process. Transfer cannot go through without the electrical certificate of compliance, so ensure that yours is up to date and ready," he advises.

Commonly asked questions about electrical compliance certificates

One of the most commonly asked questions about an electrical compliance certificate is how long it lasts for. Spolander explains that they are valid for two years from the date of issue. "However, they remain valid for insurance purposes as long as you don't add anything new to the electrical system. In that case, you would need to get an amendment COC." With that said, it is always worth keeping up to date with your specific insurer's requirements.

Another question commonly raised is whether any electrician can issue a COC - and the answer is no. "Only electricians who have their wireman's licence can issue a COC. You get single phase testers who can only issue COCs for single-phase electrical systems and three-phase testers who can issue certificates for both single and three-phase electrical systems."

On a related note, Spolander reminds us that there is zero tolerance when it comes to electrical safety. "If the property fails any sort of electrical test, the COC will not be granted," he explains. "We need to ensure that the property is compliant as per government regulations."

When asked about how long it takes to get an electrical COC, Spolander explained that the testing process can take anything from 30 minutes to more than three hours. "It all depends on the size of the property or building that's being tested," he elaborates.

We're not planning to sell our premises. Why do we need an electrical COC?

Arguably the most important consideration here is what would happen in the event of a fire. Spolander points out that while the various insurance companies have different criteria, the possibility exists that an insurer could refuse to pay out in the event of a fire claim - even if the cause of the fire was completely unrelated to an electrical fault. "I wouldn't test the waters," advises Spolander. "Rather get your property tested and compliant."

Over and above this, Spolander recommends that people think of electrical compliance as they would think about servicing their car. "Your property is probably your biggest asset and you should want it to be compliant, safe and well looked after. Just because something is working doesn't mean it's safe."

Owner or tenant: who's responsible?

As a property owner, the onus is on you to ensure that your building is compliant and has an up-to-date COC. But what happens in a scenario in which Business A owns an industrial property and rents space to Business B, whose operations involve multiple electrical add-ons? Spolander replies that, as the property owner, you should always make it your responsibility to ensure that your building is compliant. "If Business A allows Business B to proceed with multiple installations, then Business A should be presented with valid electrical COCs per installation from Business B."

Electrical compliance is one of many considerations that industrial and commercial property owners need to keep in mind. For assistance with all your property procurement and management needs, get in touch with 3Cube Property Solutions.

27 Jan 2025
Author 3Cube Property Solutions
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