Everything Boksburg has to offer industrial enterprises

Boksburg is an industrial powerhouse that has much to offer. A quick look at the wide range of industrial operations that choose to base themselves in Boksburg provides immediate proof of this. 3Cube Property Solutions takes a closer look at the appeal of Boksburg and why you should consider it as a potential base for your industrial enterprise.

Main factors attracting industrial businesses to Boksburg

According to Michael Labram, an industrial property consultant with 3Cube Property Solutions, the area's history, location, security and diversity give it a broad base of appeal for big and small industrial enterprises alike. "Boksburg has a long history of being a preferred location for businesses," he shares. "Its location is key, with proximity to O. R. Tambo International Airport being a big factor - but not the only factor. Access to arterial routes and highways such as the N12, R21 and the R24 add to Boksburg's appeal."

Gary Fleming, another industrial property consultant with 3Cube Property Solutions, adds that Boksburg's industrial properties typically offer ample power to meet engineering and manufacturing enterprises' needs.

A variety of industrial areas

Boksburg is home to a wide array of industrial areas and business parks, such as Anderbolt, Boksburg East, Hughes, Jet Park, Pomona and Witfield, amongst others. According to Labram, each of these areas has something unique to offer. "Boksburg has a diverse offering," he explains, "and there is an industrial property to suit everyone's budget in one of these areas."

Fleming shines the spotlight on Anderbolt, explaining that the area boasts ample power for engineering and manufacturing operations. "Multiple engineering and manufacturing companies can be found in Anderbolt because their power needs are met here," he comments. He adds that Jet Park and Pomona are ideal locations for logistics companies due to their positioning and pricing.

Interesting developments in Boksburg's pipeline

Gauteng is the heartland of South Africa's economy, with many new developments being built at any given time. Boksburg is no exception, and industrial businesses looking for premises in and around Boksburg can look forward to being even more spoilt for choice. According to Fleming, one of the new developments to watch is Tambo Springs Logistics Gateway, which is a 600ha industrial development that has a vision of being equipped to meet all manufacturing and distribution needs.

Another exciting development mentioned by Fleming is the Distribution Junxion Port of Gauteng, which is an inland port that promises to transform the landscape of logistics in Gauteng and in South Africa as a whole. With a prime location at the Barry Marais Road N3 offramp, this development reduces logistics costs and gives owners and tenants a competitive advantage.

Labram adds that the brand new Equites Park is a fantastic showcase of everything that Jet Park has to offer. "This modern facility is aimed at the premium logistics sector and air freight operators. It has warehouses from 5 000 sqm to 40 000 sqm in size, offering flexibility and functionality," he comments. "The facilities have been designed with tenants' requirements in mind."

A glimpse at Boksburg's bigger picture

As part of the metropolis of Ekurhuleni, Boksburg is a hub that has made serious strides in its efforts to provide service. "The municipality is making efforts to promote solar power wherever possible," comments Fleming. To this, Labram adds that businesses in Boksburg will benefit from being able to provide its products and services to a wider base of potential customers. Being based in Boksburg means being within easy reach for many of your clients in Gauteng. "Being considered accessible makes it more likely that new customers will take that first step through your door," he concludes.

With an array of new and well-established industrial parks, quick and easy access to arterial routes and so much more, Boksburg makes a great home for any industrial enterprise. Contact 3Cube Property Solutions for help in finding a Boksburg property that will meet your industrial needs.

14 Oct 2021
Author 3Cube Property Solutions
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