Everything companies need to know about Gen Z

Introducing Gen Z: a group of people who have never known life without the internet and online technology. This marketing term refers to people born between the mid 1990s and 2010. By the time they were old enough to hold a pen, they were likely also holding a mouse. This upbringing has led them to have a very different mindset from that of previous generations. 3Cube Property Solutions takes a deep dive into everything you need to know about Gen Z - and how to make your products and services appeal to this market. Five of the most important strategies when marketing to Gen Z include focusing on visual elements, making your content interactive, being accountable and transparent, using user-generated content and doing something different. Let's dive in.

Visual elements - the key to success

The first thing you need to know about Gen Z is that - while Facebook is a great marketing tool - it's unlikely to be their social network of choice. You're far more likely to succeed if you're running campaigns on visual platforms like Instagram or TikTok. Gen Z is more likely to engage with video than with any other form of content. Your videos should be kept short and snappy - anything from 15 to 60 seconds in length is in the right ballpark. Videos that include overlays, music and visual effects are one of the most effective ways to get Gen Z interested in your brand.

Interactivity - keeping Gen Z interested

Rather than merely looking at or watching content, members of Gen Z prefer to be active and have something to do. That could mean tapping, clicking or swiping when they land on your posts. Easy ways to put this into practice include creating polls and (short) surveys, and interactive infographics. More time-consuming (but also highly effective) strategies include creating interactive e-books, branded games and - if relevant - calculators that can provide an approximate cost for your products or services.

Being accountable and transparent - taking care of our world

Gen Z has been born into a world of climate change and various societal issues - and they care deeply about righting these wrongs at every opportunity. To appeal to Gen Z, businesses need to wear their hearts (and their value statements) on their sleeves. According to research carried out by social media management platform Later, the list of issues that matter to Gen Z - and that will affect their purchasing decisions - include LGBTQ+ rights, diversity and social responsibility.

Using user-generated content - and forgetting about stock images

If there's one thing members of Gen Z want, it's the truth. There's less room for beating around the bush and creating idyllic-but-unrealistic images than ever before. Rather than using a photoshopped stock image, use pictures of real customers and real people (once you have their permission in writing) to showcase your brand.

Create content that stands out - be fun and adventurous

Members of Gen Z are well aware of how humdrum life can become - they are living in a world filled with physical and socioeconomic challenges. Fun content - particularly on social platforms - creates an escape from mundane everyday life, and thereby gets the attention of Gen Z. Creating content that's fun, adventurous and different will get your brand noticed.

Gen Z isn't just online. They are also in your stores and it's important to run consistent marketing campaigns across the physical/digital divide. To do this effectively, you need the right space and the right logistics plan in place. When it comes to your retail and warehousing needs in Gauteng, 3Cube Property Solutions is a trusted property partner. Contact us today and let us help you showcase your brand effectively.

13 Feb 2023
Author 3Cube Property Solutions
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