How management styles impact company performance

Picture a workplace where the boss is renowned for screaming at anyone who makes a mistake and sending passive-aggressive emails whenever a deadline is missed. Now compare that to a relaxed work environment where employees become part of big decision-making processes and are empowered to think for themselves. There can be little debate about which workplace will be the happiest - and thus the most productive. 3Cube Property Solutions delves into management styles and how they impact the workplace.

A strong argument can be made that the boss who screams at anyone who makes a mistake has no leadership style or management skills whatsoever. Forbes.com published an article outlining three different leadership types that can have a positive impact on employee performance.

The first is democratic leadership, in which leaders involve everyone in the decision-making process.  These leaders ask their team members for feedback and advice before making a final decision. A great real-life example of democratic leadership in action can be found at Google. The tech giant fosters a culture where employees at all levels are encouraged to voice their ideas and contribute to important discussions, especially in brainstorming sessions and meetings. Leaders often solicit feedback from engineers, designers and other staff members before moving forward with decisions on new features or changes to their products.

The second leadership style that can work effectively in certain situations, despite the negative connotations associated with its name, is autocratic leadership. In this scenario, the leader makes all the important decisions on their own and then delegates tasks to employees. While this approach clearly discourages innovation and collaboration, it can work well for the achievement of short-term goals and when managing inexperienced employees.

The resounding global success of the iPhone is a great example of the success of autocratic leadership. When Steve Jobs was at the helm of Apple, he was known for the tight control he maintained over product decisions, often making critical choices without allowing much input from others. Jobs had a clear vision of what the iPhone should be and while his leadership style was demanding and decisive, it led to products that revolutionised the tech industry.

A third approach, participative leadership introduces the best of both worlds. Such leaders will typically delegate decision-making to a few carefully selected team members and then take a backseat while providing guidance and feedback when they feel it is necessary. Sharing the decision-making load can become a form of quiet hiring, in which existing employees take on additional responsibilities.

When Satya Nadella became CEO of Microsoft in 2014, he embraced a participative leadership style, encouraging collaboration and input from employees across the board. One of the significant changes he made was fostering a "growth mindset", in which employees were encouraged to share their ideas, learn from mistakes and work together to find solutions. His rationale behind flattening hierarchies was to empower team members to take part in decision-making processes, especially in product development, cloud computing and AI.

The article's author, Dee Brown, also points out that there are certain characteristics common to all effective leadership. Possibly the most important criterion mentioned is that every effective leader creates a positive, engaging environment. Ensuring that your workplace boasts a positive ambience will reduce staff turnover and also minimize the effects of quiet quitting.

There are certain criteria which all good managers must showcase, regardless of their management style. They must work hard to create a positive and engaging environment. This will reduce staff turnover and also minimise quiet quitting. Other important qualities to look for when hiring a manager include empathy, problem-solving skills, adaptability and accountability.

Employing the right managers and adopting the right management styles are critical steps in ensuring your business's success. So is choosing the right premises. If your business needs industrial, commercial or retail space in Gauteng or the Western Cape, get in touch with 3Cube Property Solutions.

09 Oct 2024
Author 3Cube Property Solutions
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