Maintaining good hygiene in the workplace after lockdown

In these challenging times, adherence to hygiene protocols has never been more important. A relaxation of the lockdown rules which the government put into place in response to the COVID-19 outbreak does NOT mean that the danger of this pandemic is over. By returning to work after the lockdown with safety and hygiene in mind at all times, companies can protect staff members and customers alike from this disease.

Workplaces need to be kept clean and hygienic

Work surfaces such as desks and tables need to be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Similarly, objects that many people touch - such as telephones, keypads, fingerprint scanners, light switches and coffee machines - need to be paid attention to. As far as possible, objects that need to be touched by multiple employees should be avoided. If possible, disable fingerprint scanners and ensure that each employee has his or her own phone.

The first step in cleaning an office effectively involves cleaning surfaces with detergent and water. Afterwards, a disinfectant product containing approximately 70% of alcohol should be used. If alcohol-based cleaning solutions are not available, then a bleach solution can be used. Ensure that cleaning staff are familiar with how the specific products that they are using are meant to be used. For example, many cleaning products need to be left on a surface for some time, rather than being wiped off straight away.

Make sure that staff, contractors and customers have access to hand sanitiser and to places where they can wash their hands with soap and water.

Staff training and HR procedures

If staff members fear that they will lose their jobs if they start displaying symptoms of Covid19, then they are likely to hide these symptoms. During this time, it is more important than ever for companies to foster positive, constructive relationships between management and staff. It needs to be made very clear that coming down with the virus does not mean losing one's job.

Employees, especially those who work in open-plan office or factory environments, should be encouraged to wear masks at all times. If possible, the company should provide disposable masks. Social distancing must be practised religiously in meeting rooms, smoking areas and other communal-use areas. Companies also need to make maximum use of the space available and place employees' workstations at least a metre apart.

Meeting protocols

Face-to-face meetings with clients, suppliers and external stakeholders should be kept to a minimum. During the lockdown period, all of us have become adept at using online alternatives such as SkypeGoogle Hangouts and Zoom. Since the end of hard lockdown, unfortunately, does not mean the end of Covid-19, the risk remains that people you invite to your office for a meeting may be carrying the Corona Virus. They may therefore unknowingly put your entire team at risk.

In cases where people do need to physically visit your offices, a screening process needs to be implemented to ensure that the visitor is not displaying any symptoms of the virus. It is also important to keep the contact details of everyone who visits your premises - right from business executives to those doing deliveries - so that they can be reached if anyone they came into contact with while at your business should start to showcase symptoms of the virus.

It has been over 100 years since our world has been faced with a disease of this magnitude. It is going to take time, common sense and a great deal of care from all of us to overcome it. The 3Cube Property Solutions team remains committed to helping your business achieve extraordinary things. Feel free to contact us for more information or to find your new commercial or industrial home.


29 May 2020
Author 3Cube Property Solutions
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