Stress, burnout and everything employers can do to help employees maintain great mental health

"Burnout" and "stress" are two words heard in workplaces with alarming regularity and these conditions can lead to lower productivity, higher staff turnover and greater levels of general dissatisfaction among your staff. The good news is that there are proactive steps that you can take to safeguard your employees' mental health. 3Cube Property Solutions takes a deep dive into how to be a supportive employer.

Lessons from the pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Harvard Business Review published a list of eight concrete actions that managers and leaders could take to improve their employees' mental health in light of the epic uncertainty that we were all facing. Many of the principles mentioned are easily applicable to the post-pandemic world. One of the important focuses is managers showcasing a level of vulnerability. When people in power share their experiences openly, it creates a culture of conversation and openness, in which your employees will feel free to discuss struggles of their own.

Another important takeaway was building a culture of connection through check-ins. By probing a little deeper than a superficial "how are you" and taking the time to really listen, an employer can quickly gauge when and how an employee may require extra assistance or backup. By communicating proactively and communicating with your staff more than you think you need to, you can help to create a culture where your staff feel supported and capable of doing their best work.

Proactivity, flexibility and realistic workloads

According to Naz Beheshti, executive coach and contributor to Forbes Online, there are several simple-but-effective strategies that management teams can implement. The starting point is creating general awareness of the importance of mental health. Leaders and managers need to be trained to pick up tell-tale signs of anxiety so that they can intervene and support employees when necessary.

Echoing the Harvard Business Review principle of proactive communication, Beheshti encourages employers to show interest in their employees' personal lives rather than just their work performance. Beheshti also mentions the importance of flexibility, stating that according to a US-based survey, this was the highest-rated suggestion for employers looking to engage meaningfully with their staff.

The importance of realistic, reasonable workloads is another point raised by Beheshti. If an employee has underlying mental health struggles, these will almost certainly be exacerbated by feelings of being overwhelmed. Encouraging staffers to take their leave days and providing opportunities to rest and recharge during the day are other best practices that help to ensure your employees' wellbeing.

Simple strategies that go a long way

Closer to home, Ben Bierman, Managing Director at Business Partners Limited, penned an article for BizCommunity detailing three simple strategies that employers can take to safeguard their employees' mental health. The first is starting an anonymous feedback forum, giving staff an opportunity to share opinions and feedback with no fear of reprisals. Bierman further explains that the feedback should be acknowledged at staff meetings or check-ins, and potential solutions must be offered to staff.

Secondly, in Bierman's view, regular breaks should be made mandatory and finally, employees should be acknowledged and appreciated for their efforts. Focus is drawn to the fact that recognition can boost morale, increase job satisfaction and improve staff retention. Bierman also mentions other useful incentives that can have a positive impact on employees' mental health, including positive mentions in company newsletters or social media, flexible working conditions and "employee of the month" accolades.

Motivating your staff and caring for their mental health is an important component of running a successful business - and so is having the right premises. If you're looking for the right home for your business in Gauteng or the Western Cape, then speak to the team from 3Cube Property Solutions today.

09 Nov 2023
Author 3Cube Property Solutions
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